I hear from so many friends and acquaintances who have sewing machines but don’t know how to use them! If you fit in that category, you have an amazing tool at your disposal! In this course, I’ll take you through all the dials, buttons, features and accessories. We’ll wind the bobbin together and thread the needle to stitch through different settings and see how stitch width and length change the stitch. Then we’ll make a tote bag to apply what you’ve learned. I can’t wait for you to take this course, conquer any fears you may have about your machine, and unleash your creative potential! Once you know the basics, it’s just a matter of practice.
- 5 Sections
- 10 Lessons
- Lifetime
Expand all sectionsCollapse all sections
- Introduction1
- About Your Machine5
- Class Project: Make a Tote Bag1
- Machine Cleaning & Maintenance1
- BONUS Videos2
2 replies on “Sewing Machine 101”
I would like to buy this for my granddaughters, ages 11 and 13. I bought them a sewing machine but they already broke it once and are now afraid. Is there a preview? I click on preview and nothing happens.
Hi Rochelle! I apologize for the trouble. If you click on the text “SM101 Intro” instead of the word “preview” the preview comes up. If not, here’s the direct link: https://madebyjaime.com/courses/sewing-machine-101/lessons/sm101-intro/ Please let me know if I can help with anything else or answer any other questions.